Web Dashboard: Reporting on Invoice/Estimate Classes Classes are a way to classify your invoices or estimates. How to Add Classification shows how to create classes in InvoiceASAP. Adding a Class to an Invoice or Estimate on your Computer shows how to add a class to your invoice or estimate from your computer. Adding a Class to an Invoice or Estimate on your Phone shows how to add a class to your invoice or estimate from the InvoiceASAP app on your phone. This article shows how to report on a class. The examples in this article are for invoices, but you can follow the same steps for estimates. 1. From your computer, log into the Web Dashboard. STEP 2: Select Reports from the left navigation STEP 3a: For Invoice Classifications, mouse over Invoice Reports and select Invoices by Class STEP 3b: For Estimate Classifications, mouse over Estimate Reports and select Estimates by Class STEP 4: The report displays. The default date range is the current calendar year. If you want to change this, click on the date drop down. STEP 5: Select the date range you want and click Apply STEP 6: To filter, click on the checkbox next to the class you want and click Filter STEP 7: The filtered results display Have more questions? Submit a request 0 Comments Please sign in to leave a comment.