
Web Dashboard: Issue a Refund

Deleting a payment from InvoiceASAP automatically issues a refund for a payment taken through InvoiceASAP Payments.

  • If you took a payment through PayPal, then you will need to issue your refund through PayPal.

  • At this time, only full refunds are supported.  We do not have an option for partial refunds.

Here's how to issue a refund from a payment taken through InvoiceASAP Payments.


STEP 1:  From the InvoiceASAP Web Dashboard, select Invoices from the left navigation.



STEP 2:  Click on the "Pay" icon next to the invoice you want to refund.



STEP 3:  Click the "x" next to the payment you want to refund.



STEP 4:  Confirm that you want to delete the payment and refund the money to your customer.



STEP 5:  The payment has been refunded.




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