
Sync Error: Could Not Create Customer. Customer Already Has Job Information.

Here is the error message from QuickBooks: 

ERROR OCCURRED:  Could not create the customer <Customer Name: Job Name>.  There was an error when saving a Customer list element "<Job Name>.  QuickBooks Error Message:  This customer already has job information.  To add a new job, the customer's current job information must be moved to its own job.  Cannot create the invoice.


This means that you have added a job to your customer in QuickBooks, but the job is actually still part of the parent customer.

In order for InvoiceASAP to sync with your QuickBooks, the existing job needs to be separated out into an actual Job record.

Here are the steps to do this:


1. In QuickBooks, right-click on the customer and select Add Job.




2. QuickBooks displays this message -- click OK.



3. QuickBooks assumes that you want to create another New Job, so it opens the Job screen.

Click Cancel.




4. The job that was associated with the parent company has been created with the name Job 1.

Now you can sync with InvoiceASAP, and InvoiceASAP will be able to create the invoice.




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