
Web Dashboard: Upload Logo

To add your own logo to invoiceASAP. You need a Base, Plus or Biz account.  

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1. From your computer, log into the Web Dashboard.


2. Click on Settings.




3. Click on Upload Logo.




4. Select the Choose File button to navigate to the folder on your computer where your logo is located. Please note the following restriction on logo uploads:

• The logo must be a *.jpg, *.gif, or *.png file.
• The logo must be no more than 450 pixels wide and no more than 155 pixels tall.
• The logo must have a filesize no greater than 1 MB (1024 KB)
• You cannot have any spaces in the logo name, for example:

Logo Filename


My Logo.jpg

NO - will not upload


YES - will upload


YES - will upload




5. Select the logo file on your computer and press Open.




6. If the logo uploaded correctly, you will see a success message. Otherwise, you should double-check to ensure that your logo conforms to the file guidelines above and try again.


Once you have uploaded your logo, it will automatically appear on your invoices and estimates when previewing the document.



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  • 0
    Daren Handy

    Nice but I have not been able to locate how to use the logo on my invoices.... Where do you go after this to use the logo?

  • 0
    InvoiceASAP Tech Team

    Hi Daren,

    Once you have uploaded your logo, it will automatically appear on your invoices.

    You do not need to do anything else.

    I looked at your estimates, and your logo appears as it should.

    Kind regards,


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