
Web Dashboard: Add Users to Your Account

With an invoiceASAP Plus or Biz account, you can easily add users to your account by increasing your subscription and send them an e-mail. 

The process is described in detail below. 

It is important to note that your team members MUST sign up from the link that you send them.  Then they can download the app and log in.

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Here's how to add your team members.:


1. From your computer, log into the InvoiceASAP Web Dashboard.


2. Click on Settings.



3. Click on Users.

Screen Shot 2023-09-08 at 9.37.27 AM.png


4.  In this example, we have one team member.



5. To increase the size of the team, put in the total number of people, including yourself, that will be on your team.  In this example, I'm adding 1 new person, so I change the number from 1 to 2.



6:  After changing the number of users, the Invite Users button displays.  Click on Invite Users.



7.  Complete the form for your new user and click on the Invite User button.



8.  When the user has been successfully created, you get a success page.



9. The new user is now displayed as part of your team members, and it shows that the invitation has been sent.



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